
Video Preproduction Tips for Winning Videos

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If you are a digital marketer, then you probably know that video is becoming the new king. Whether it is on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, people love videos. On YouTube, people spend over one billion hours watching videos every day.

Hold on; it is not just on social media. If your emails have a video, they are opened 7% more compared to when they do not have videos. Here are more numbers on videos:

  • 81% of businesses use videos as part of their marketing strategies
  • Today, many website browsers use 88% more time on sites with videos compared to those that do not.
  • 97% of marketers indicate that videos help their visitors to understand their services and products.
  • BY 2021, the video is anticipated to make 82% of all the internet traffic.

While these figures lay bare the huge impact that video can have on your marketing strategy, and brand, creating polished and professional-looking videos is not easy. One may say, “I have the latest smartphone to make videos,” but making a video is more than holding a camera. If you need to make winning videos for content marketing, it is prudent to have a pro in commercial videography in Singapore.

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Commercial videography in Singapore : Video Preproduction Tips

Commercial video production in Singapore takes place through three stages; pre-production, production, and post-production. To create the best videos, you need to get it right on video-preproduction. Here are some useful tips that you need for pre-production.

  • Figure Out Your Audience

Whether you are looking for more insights from Google ads, or more targeted traffic with your videos, the first step is determining the targeted audience. However, identifying the targeted audience is a challenging process, including defining buyer personas.

Your business audience is made of more than a single customer with sole interest. Rather, your target group is likely to have different, call them overlapping, interests that you can use when planning for your videos.

  • Make Your Message as Clear as Possible

Once you have defined your audience, the next important thing is defining your message. Here, you should not try to push everything into a single animated video. For example, if your business is offering different products or services, make sure to create videos on each.

Watch this short app demonstration video:


  • Realistic Budget

With a clear definition of the audience and message, you need to have a clearly set budget. Failing to have a defined budget is likely to push the cost high, resulting in lower revenue. However, remember that you should not simply go for the cheapest.

To get it right on budgeting, you should work with commercial videography experts. They will help you to draw a realistic budget, and design winning videos.

  • Write and Revise Your Script

Another important component of pre-production stage is the video script. Contrary to the common belief that anyone can write the script, you should go for professionally done scripts. Make sure to work with the script writer and carefully revise it before it can be used for video production.

  • Make Sure the First eight Seconds are the Best

When people visit your site or video, they determine whether they want to stay or walk away in the first eight seconds. If they are impressed, they will click through and check what you have to offer. Therefore, you need to put a lot of effort into giving your videos a captivating start so that they can increase click-through rates.

Lucky enough, most video production professionals and script writers know how to interweave your story so that it catches the attention of the viewer. Well, simply insist the beginning of the video must be a thriller, and the video producer will make it sparkle.

  • Ensure to Make a Clear Shortlist

A shortlist is a shot-by-shot breakdown of every scene’s details, including specific info, such as lighting duration and camera placement. Therefore, the shortlist document is like the ultimate pre-production planner. Here is a list of some components to include in a shortlist.

  1. Scene number.
  2. Shot number.
  3. Location.
  4. Shot description.
  5. Framing.
  6. Action.
  7. Extra notes.
  8. Props needed.
  9. Actors involved.
  • Create a Production Schedule

After covering the basics, and before commencing the video production phase (shooting), you will also create a production schedule. The schedule is like a roadmap that tells you what to do at what point of your video production, and should include the following:

  • Location.
  • Scene/shot.
  • Equipment.
  • People needed.
  • Contact info.
  • Date and time.

Note that the production schedule should be updated regularly to reflect new details that are required for smooth video shooting.

Producing a great video for your brand requires a lot of planning, which means putting every effort into the pre-production phase. Note that bulk of the work, such as setting out the lighting, selecting the location, and script writing, are technical and should be done with the help of an expert. So, make sure to have an expert agency in commercial videography in Singapore for better results.

Need inspiration for your videos?