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VLOG #3: Contributing with video during COVID-19

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Hi, it’s good to see you here wherever you’re watching this video from, most likely from the comfort of your home, I guess.

My name is Romain and this is the third episode of my vlog here on LinkedIn.

Now, I wanted to get back to you quicker after episode 2 but, to be honest, we’re experiencing such troubled and scary times with this coronavirus / COVID-19 situation that I thought quite hard about to best approach this and clearly I don’t think it’s a good time to talk about how to boost your sales and marketing efforts. Still, I believe in it in normal times but right now things have changed and priorities have changed as well.

And currently everyone is making a lot of efforts to cope with the situation, remote work is becoming the norm and companies are trying very hard to minimize the impact on their business and personally since I have less opportunities to work with clients during this very particular time, I thought I would better use my free time and energy to do something useful and meaningful.

And so at my humble level I had this idea of helping organizations communicate with their audience in these challenging times, whether we’re talking about clients, employees, partners… using video. And no, it’s not a way to sell my services, I’m just happy to help and contribute and maybe just even advise over a call.

So, with this overall situation and now that remote work really is a thing, I think that using video has never made so much sense as a tool to communicate with your audience in an authentic way and talk about the situation and how you are coping with it and getting ready with it. And more than ever before it’s so important to be authentic and convey the messages this way. Remember the last episode I talked about how important it is to be authentic in your videos.

So yeah, again if you are interested to get some free advice or free help from me, I will be happy to do so. You can send me a direct message on LinkedIn or you can also head over to my website: CINEMATIC.SG and contact me from there.

And I thought I would end the video by giving you a quick status update about the situation here in Singapore. It was one of the first affected countries but luckily for us, for now, there is no lockdown or containment and I know it’s not the case for most of you, sadly. But as everybody else I play my part. I reduced social interactions a lot, washing my hands a lot, and respecting of course all the regulations and restrictions put in place, and that’s why I chose a place with nobody this morning to do this video for you.

I’m actually at the Raffles Hotel. I could have started the video by telling you where I am, but I thought that would be more appropriate to talk about the situation first. Anyway I’m here at the Raffles Hotel, it’s a heritage building, very famous here in Singapore. It’s a national monument, it’s a huge hotel, colonial-style, built I think in 1887 so it’s quite old and it’s been renovated in 2018 and 2019, and it just reopened about 7-8 months ago and it’s beautiful and the good thing is: if you come early in the morning or about any time of the day during the week you can be alone which is amazing and that’s very important these days to minimize all the interactions.

It is just 8.30 in the morning but it’s getting very hot already. Don’t forget that Singapore is a tropical country so I’m gonna end the video here and pack, just do a few shots of the place and prepare a small sequence for you… just to tell you as well, you know, once this whole craziness is over, because it will be over at some point, for sure, you’ll have a chance maybe to come here and visit the place by yourself.

Stay safe, take a good care of yourself and your loved ones. Wash your hands a lot, practice social distancing, and I will see you for sure in the next video soon.

Take care, bye!

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